The Ontario Midland Railroad's enginehouse is at Sodus, NY. The railroad is named after the county it's operating in.
Ontario Midland RR no. 3 switches at Sodus, October 3rd, 2003. Rolf Stumpf photo |
Ontario Midland RR 3 (ALCo S-4) in front of the enginehouse at
Sodus, October 3rd, 2003. Rolf Stumpf photo |
Ontario Midland RR 408 (RS-11) was tied up for the weekend (maybe
working on Saturday) on the main track in Williamston. October 3rd,
2003. Rolf Stumpf photo |
Beautiful shortline railroading: OMID 408, a vintage box car and
old industrial buildings at Williamston. It's tempting to start
Photoshop and de-powerline the scenery... Rolf Stumpf photo |
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Last update 01.05.05