Rolf Stumpf's International ALCo/MLW Pages

These pages are dedicated to the finest diesel locos ever built - the ALCos and MLWs (and the numerous licensees).

Welcome, ALCo addict no. since June, 3rd 1996. Established January 1996.


Hi, I'm Rolf Stumpf, an Alcophile from Germany. Enjoy my worldwide compilation of ALCos, MLWs and licensee ALCo power.

Note: ALCoWorld is a no-profit-site and not related with a spare parts or locomotive business. Mails concerning spares or sales partnerships are a waste of your and my time...

Latest content statistics: 956 pics on 307 pages.

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March 3rd, 2009:

Great winter photos of RS-3 no. 109 of the Nevada Northern Railway

Country List


ALCo Diesel Specs+Model nos.

links to other ALCo sites Sound recordings A close look

ALCo Spare Parts Sources
ALCoWorld is not a spare parts or locomotive business

ALCo 251 engine specifications (except 251F)

My other website (most images rescanned May 2002):


This site could not be like this without these contributors: Diego Alonso, Diego Antonio, Ken M. Ardinger, Colin Baker, Ricardo Barradas, Neil Bennett, Marcelo Benoit, John C. Benson, Cid José Beraldo, Alberto H. Del Bianco, Mark Bowman, Garry Brown, Mark Bristow, Guillermo Burgos, Nicholas Burman, Sandy Burton, David R. Busse, Paul J. Cameron, Mark Carter, Diogo Castro, Juan M. Celorio, Eduardo Coelho, Tony Coggan, Dan Colgan, Steve Corrigan, Antonio&Jose Luis Covita, Noberto Cresta, Daniel Cross, Doug E. Cummings, John Day, Martin Deutgen, Michael Dix, Michael Dunn, Trevor Edmonds, Brian A. Elchlepp, William J. Enser, Nikolaos Fotis, Ben Gannett, Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Thomas Grasmück, J.R. Greer, Christoph Grimm, Julian Hill, Argyle Hillman, Andy Inserra, Andrew Jones, Artemis Klonos, Brad Knapp, Dimitrios Koloniotis, Dave Kornfeld, Indra Krishnamurti, Ronald Krueger, Gaston Labonia, Pedro Pablo Lacoste, Nick Lawford, Johannis Likos, Joaquin Lopez del Ramo, Gerasimos Maniatis, Mario Marotti, Fernando Picarelli Martins, Sergio Martire, Richard Matthews, Greg McDonnell, John C. Mech, Jackie McNeil, Raymond D. Miller Jr., Carlos M. Barreiro Molinos, Ron Morley, Brian Mott, John W. Nelsen, Barton Jennings, Pablo Ojea, Daniel Osborne, Leyteris Papadimitriou, Normand Paradis, Brad Peadon, Sheldon Perry, Walter E Pfefferle, Gicu Popescu, Henry Posner III, Bruce Pryor, Miguel Angel Ricagno, Jürgen Radtke, Stephen Reeves, Hugo Rego, Earl Roberts, Brooke Ruskin, Larry G. Russell, Matthew Sadler, Nick Sbarounis, Jürgen Schroer, John Schumann, Joseph Simantov, Marc Simpson, Nick Slocombe, Darwin Smith, Sean G. Steele, Brian D. Switzer, Tom Trencansky, Zoran Veresic, Eugene Vickney, Darren Walker, Joachim Weisser, Ian Wilson, Philip Wormald, Themistoklis Zachariou, Gary Zuters.
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Last update: 03.03.09